Mommy out of town, Nooooo, Hi-chair?

Whenever Melissa goes out of town I feel a pressure and anxiety that everything is entirely on me now. Emma is a great little girl and is an angel but whenever I hear her call for Momma when she is not here it breaks my heart. I can usually change the subject or distract her but sometimes at night time she really wants her Momma. I’m sure that this happens often to Dads and even Moms. Am I the only one that hates the fact that my spouse travels out of town?

Emma has discovered the word “No.” We are in trouble now….. Today, she was playing with her duckie and pinkie bear and telling them nnoooooooooooo. She found great delight listening to herself saying it too! I am waiting for the moment she decides to say that directly to one of us… I think I will laugh because it is soo cute!

For the past couple weeks Emma has stopped using her Hi-chair. She sits on the same kitchen chairs as us when we eat dinner. She likes to hit her hand on the seat and say “high” because it seems so high for her.

Was a long day as she did not take a nap due to the fact that we went to visit Nona. She had fun with the “puppie” and liked to get into all the things laying around the house. She even says Nona…

I have gotten direct emails from people regarding this blog. Someone recommended I put pictures of us and Emma on here as sort of a timeline of her growing up. I am wondering if anyone thinks it is a good idea?

Signing off after a very looong day….

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    • Anonymous
    • February 1, 2008


    • Lnonnieb
    • February 1, 2008

    I think this is sooo cute.It makes me feel as if I am there.I can picture Emmie doing all these things too.
    What a good idea and what a nice gift for her when she is older.
    You are a good writer Ken!
    Time for a “BOOK”
    Love and Kisses to Em!

    • Aunt Carol
    • February 9, 2008

    Of course I think you should post her photos if possible. Do you realize how wonderful this will be for her to see some day? Your thoughts will mean so much to her.

    Yes I agree, a book should be next.

    Love Aunt Carol

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